Basic Seafood HACCP Courses

Training in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is mandated for the seafood processors by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Basic HACCP courses teach the principles of HACCP and empower processors to develop HACCP plans specific for each seafood product they handle or produce.

This course can be taken by choosing one of two options

A 16-hour, combined Segment One and Segment Two course to be taken over 2 to 4 days, taught by a Seafood HACCP Alliance instructor. These courses are scheduled at the instructor’s convenience throughout the year.  There is no set schedule for upcoming courses.

If you cannot locate a course in your area, please check back weekly for an updated schedule.

A two-part course that includes on-demand (Segment One) and virtual, live or in-person (Segment Two) training taught by a Seafood HACCP Alliance instructor.

Segment One:
Internet Training Course

Self-paced, and online.

The Seafood HACCP Alliance Internet training course was developed to provide an alternative way for individuals from the seafood industry and regulatory community to get training on the application of HACCP principles to seafood products when they need it.

The Cornell University Internet course was updated in September of 2020 to be consistent with the latest FDA guidance. If interested in accessing the course in Spanish, please contact Dr. Michael Ciaramella at

Segment Two:
Practical Training Session

This training session is available in-person or virtually.

In light of the extended travel restrictions and social distancing restrictions, the Seafood HACCP alliance (SHA) Virtual Committee has decided to amend its current policy for Seafood HACCP Segment Two Training Courses. The SHA believes it is imperative that courses be available, provided in a high-quality manner, and that they do not increase public health risks. IMPORTANT: Must have Segment One Course Completion Notice from Cornell University to attend.