Connect with Experts
AFDO Directories

AMC for Industry Leaders Trainer Directory
Contact information for trainers with experience teaching food safety culture, food safety management systems, and operational excellence for leaders.

Directory of State and Local Officials
Direct contact information for state, local, and tribal regulatory officials involved with food, animal feed, animal health, food defense, cannabis, and more.

Food Processing Authorities Directory
Direct contact information for qualified partners with the experience to help you evaluate the worst-case parameters of your processing equipment.

Jurisdiction and Enforcement Authority Directory
Direct contact information for officials charged with the enforcement of food safety/processing laws at the state and municipal level.

Retail Food Regulatory Programs Directory
Direct contact information for officials charged with the enforcement of food safety/processing laws in retail establishments.
Visit the RFRP Directory
Retail Food Maps
Inspection Responsibility Map
This map indicates which regulatory agencies (state only, local only, or both) have responsibility for regulating food service establishments and retail food stores within each state.
Visit the Inspection Map
Retail Food Maps
Regulatory Oversight Retail Food Map
This map indicates which state agencies (health, agriculture, or other) have responsibility for regulating food service establishments and retail food stores within each state.
Visit the Regulatory Oversight Map
Seafood HACCP Trainers Directory
Direct contact information for certified Seafood HACCP Alliance (SHA) trainers who can teach seafood safety and processing courses.
Visit the seafood trainers’ Directory
Subject Matter Expert Directory
Direct contact information of individuals who have been identified as a subject matter expert (SME) in a specific food or medical device-related area.
Visit the SME Directory