About AFDO

The Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) is an international, non-profit organization that is in the forefront of streamlining and simplifying regulations by either drafting regulatory rules or by commenting on government proposals.

By developing a broad base of support for new approaches, AFDO has become a recognized voice in determining the rules and shape of the regulatory playing field of the future. The consensus that AFDO develops is key to advancing uniform laws, regulations, and guidelines that result in more efficient regulation and less confusion among industry in the marketplace. AFDO develops support for its positions by interfacing with high-level regulatory officials, industry representatives, trade associations, and consumer organizations. This continues to have a significant impact on regulations at the federal, state and local level.

AFDO’s mission

AFDO strives to protect public health and safety by working collaboratively with public and private sectors advocating with a unified voice to make a positive impact on food and medical product safety laws, rules, regulations, and regulatory programs.

AFDO’s purpose

AFDO and its six regional affiliates provide the mechanism and the forum where regional, national and international issues are deliberated and resolved to uniformly provide the best public health and consumer protection in the most expeditious and cost effective manner

AFDO’s vision

AFDO is an international leader and trusted resource for building consensus and promoting uniformity on public health and consumer protection issues related to the regulation of foods, drugs, devices, cosmetics and consumer products.

The AFDO Values – We live these every day

Promoting education, communication and cooperation among government, industry and consumers

We identify, nurture, and strengthen potential collaborations that complement AFDO’s efforts

We advance public health based on an integrated regulatory system

We deliver value as the “go to” source for information on food and medical products safety programs and services

We efficiently use resources (financial, staffing and other partnerships) and prioritize opportunities

2023 AFDO Priorities

Advance engagement with regulatory programs to inform stakeholder needs and AFDO priorities.

Develop and enhance programs in produce and retail food safety.

Develop and provide resources and opportunities to recruit and retain the next
generation of public health regulatory professionals.

Develop strategy to manage federal funding unpredictability while working to
minimize its impact on AFDO and its members.

Develop tools and resources to assist regulatory programs in addressing current
public policy proposals.

Cultivate an inclusive regulatory community

Build and sustain data sets that support regulatory programs in meeting and
enhancing their public health mission.

Identify, develop, and provide timely training on technical and professional

Guide the development and proposal of a federal regulatory framework for cannabis and its derivatives.

Develop a campaign to illustrate the value of AFDO membership and engagement for regulatory programs.

Incentivize membership by providing valuable compelling programs, training, and networking to all.

Other actions in pursuit of AFDO’s vision

Conducting an Annual Educational Conference, where for over a century, AFDO has provided the opportunity for individuals from government, industry, and the public to participate, listen, and learn valuable information and develop initiatives concerning food, drug, medical device, cosmetic and product safety issues.