Mission Statement
The goal of the Editorial Workgroup is to keep current printed materials used by the Alliance.
Workgroup Responsibilities & Duties
- Utilizing updated guidance provided by the FDA, the Editorial Workgroup is responsible for updating printed materials that are used by industry, training cadre members, and regulators.
- Specifically, this workgroup is currently working on updating the Training Curriculum that accompanies the FDA Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Control Guidance for the Basic and Segmented HACCP Courses.
Workgroup Size Limitations (or other requirements)
Workgroup Level of Commitment
20 to 80 hours are required per year.
Workgroup Term Limits
There is no term limit.
Workgroup Meeting Frequency
When actively updating printed materials, the group meets once a month.
Workgroup Minutes
Notes are taken during the meeting by Whitney Johnson.
Workgroup Resources
- Google Meet
- Zoom
- Adobe Premier meeting
Workgroup Lead
Whitney Johnson (née Moore), National Training Specialist, Workforce and Program Development Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce, NOAA Fisheries / U.S. Department of Commerce
Workgroup Members
Alexandra Oliveira, Ph.D, CFS, Chief, Seafood Processing & Technology Policy Branch, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Ana Maria Costa, Senior Manager Quality Systems, Sociedad Nacional de Galapagos C.A.
Chengchu “Cathy” Liu, Seafood Technology Specialist, Unviersity of Maryland
Debra DeVlieger, Food Safety Consultant/Retired National Food Expert, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Retired
Doris Hicks, Seafood Technology Specialist (Retired), Delaware Sea Grant
Jennifer Guttuso, Supervisory Consumer Safety Officer, Office of Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Michael Ciaramella, Seafood Safety and Technology Specialist, Marine Program Lead, NY Sea Grant/Cornell Cooperative Extension
Priya ER, Scientist, Indican Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) / Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT)