Guidance for Developing НАССР Plans for Specialized Processes at Retail


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The AFDO HACCP workgroup has completed a complete revision of the 2014 original version of the Guidance for Developing HACCP Plans for Specialized Processes. 

Digital version (free download) 

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This 360-page guidance document is intended to provide regulators and retail food operators with valuable information regarding the development and implementation of HACCP plans for specialized processes conducted in retail food establishments. These HACCP plans require pre-approval by the regulatory authority. The authors have made every effort to present this information in as clear a format as possible. However, it is essential that retail operators fully understand the risks and the required control measures before engaging in these processes. This material is not intended for use by commercial food processors or manufacturers.


HACCP for Special Processes Guidance Short Overview

HACCP for Special Processes Guidance Long Overview