April 7, 2020


Mark Murphy, Chairman & CEO Leadership IQ


In this 60-minute webinar training session called Giving Tough Feedback Without Making People Angry, you’ll learn how to "speak the truth" and give tough feedback in a way that doesn't make people defensive or angry. When somebody does something that needs correcting, you can't just ignore the problem. So we'll give you specific scripts to tackle this very delicate conversation.

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Do you avoid giving people tough feedback because you know they’ll get angry or drag their feet? When you “speak the truth,” do people get defensive or start blaming and making excuses?

According to a Leadership IQ study, 81% of managers have avoided confronting a subordinate about inappropriate behavior, even when a customer or the organization suffered as a result. And a whopping 93% of people have avoided confronting a coworker about inappropriate behavior.

The most successful organizations know that the only way to grow and succeed is to give tough feedback in a way that people actually listen and change.

This 60-minute webinar called “Giving Tough Feedback Without Making People Angry” will show you:

  • 6-step script for delivering tough feedback without making the recipient defensive
  • How to delayer your conversations in 4 parts (Facts, Interpretations, Reactions, Ends) and learn which pieces you should and shouldn’t share
  • Why you should never use “I statements”
  • 4-step script for delivering tough feedback when you have a bad relationship with the recipient
  • 1-sentence that opens and deescalates tough conversations
  • 4-Question Quiz for testing whether you’re making people defensive with blaming and loaded language
  • Why you should never use a “compliment sandwich”
  • Assessing your relationship so you know how this person will take your feedback
  • How to avoid “pleading” and “attacking” in tough conversations