Stop Being Busy, Start Being Productive
We all suffer from the “busyness disease.” Over 60% of working Americans say they don’t have enough time to do the things they want to do. And 40% of full-time working moms say they Always feel rushed!
The scarcest resource professionals and leaders have is their time (not money or people or influence). Time.And it’s why the top frustrations of leaders are typically not having enough time, struggling to balance priorities, not being proactive enough and reacting to everyone else’s priorities, and spending too much time doing work that someone else should be doing.
But there is good news…we have a lot more time than we think we do. One study found that people who say they work 75-hours per week overestimated their working time by about 25 hours!
There are 4 kinds of work that consume our time: Green Light, Yellow Light, Orange Light and Red Light Work. But only Green Light Work will give you a successful career.
Green light work is the work you’re uniquely qualified to do it. It’s why the organization hired you and it absolutely has to be done. And it’s the work that propels you towards your goals. But for the average person, less than 30% of their week is spent on Green Light work. The other 70% of their time is spent on Yellow, Orange and Red Light Work—activities that range from necessary but delegateable all the way to completely wasteful (like useless meetings and rework).
This program is going to show you how to discover your own personal Green Light Work and then give you tactics for shedding all the Yellow, Orange and Red Light Work that is misusing (or wasting) your time, hurting your effectiveness and stopping you from hitting all your goals.
This 60-minute webinar called “Stop Being Busy, Start Being Productive” will show you:
- How to distinguish between Green Light, Yellow Light, Orange Light and Red Light Work (and a Grid to plot your major activities)
- Which of your Yellow, Orange and Red Light activities should be delegated and which should be eliminated
- The latest time tracking apps you should use to measure just how effectively you’re using your time
- Identify and eliminate the Top 10 timewasters that consume leaders’ time
- Checklist for teaching employees how to clarify and complete work assignments so that you don’t have to waste time constantly checking-up on them after you delegate
- 3 steps to overcome the Sunday Night Blues
- Eliminate some of your misused time with a 3-part Meeting Achievement Checklist that makes every meeting 15 minutes shorter
- The 1 question you need to ask yourself every morning that prioritizes and focuses your day (and ensures you don’t leave the office asking yourself “did I really get anything done today?”)
- How you can immediately code your email inbox with Green, Yellow, Orange and Red Light Work to highlight exactly what deserves immediate response and what needs to be postponed or delegated
- How to create a Personal Strategic Plan so you can see exactly what you need to accomplish in the upcoming days, weeks and months (and use that to prioritize your mornings and evenings)
- How to overcome the psychological barriers to delegating (including ego, doubt and competence) so you’ve got many more resources to share your workload
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FEBRUARY 6, 2020 AT 12:00PM – 1:00PM
FEBRUARY 12, 2020 AT 3:00PM – 4:00PM