Concerning: Incorporating General Education Online Courses into Program Standards
Whereas, the US Food and Drug Administration has embarked on the establishment of a competency based National Curriculum Standard developed from job task analysis of various types of human and animal food protection officials; and
Whereas, twenty-four general education courses based upon the competency standard have been completed and uploaded into FDA’s Office of Training and Education Development’s (OTED) learning management system and made available without cost to regulators; and
Whereas, a pathway for transitioning the general education courses into the Manufactured Foods Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS), Animal Feed Regulatory Program Standards (AFRPS), and the Voluntary National Retail Foods Program Standards (VNRFPS) has not been developed; and
Whereas, the current introductory courses have been in use for over a decade with minimal revision; and
Whereas, the most current training should be included in the various regulatory program standards as the initial training for regulators, therefore be it
Resolved, that AFDO request FDA to consider developing a plan to assist local, tribal, and territorial, and state regulatory programs to incorporate the newly completed general education online courses into the program standards.