AFDO Educational Conference presentations
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Norfolk, Virginia
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.
Announcements & Awards
8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Implementing the Redesign of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Plan
- Dr. Janet Woodcock, Principal Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Tale of the Cocktail Napkin — the 25-Year Effort to Develop a Nationally Integrated Food Safety System
- Dionne Crawford, Manager of US Restaurant Food Safety, McDonald’s Corporation
- Joseph Corby, Senior Board Advisor, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Joseph Reardon, Senior Director of Food Safety Programs, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
- Katherine Simon, Food and Feed Safety Division Director, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- Alan Tart, Deputy Director, Office of Partnerships, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
9:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
30th Anniversary of the Jack-in-the-Box Outbreak
2023 is the 30th anniversary of the Jack-in-the-Box E.coli outbreak that involved 73 different Jack-in-the-Box locations, which sickened over 700 people in four states, leading to 171 hospitalizations and four deaths. As a new attorney, Bill Marler represented and successfully litigated a $15.6 million settlement for the most severely injured victim from this outbreak; it was the largest food safety case at that time. His continued success as a food safety litigator led to founding of the Marler Clark Law Firm, along with classmate Bruce Clark. Marler Clark is the nation’s first and currently most recognized law firm focusing solely on helping victims of foodborne illness.
- Brian Ronholm, Director of Food Policy, Consumer Reports
- William “Bill” Marler, Attorney, Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Attracting and Retaining Talent in the New World of Work Introduction
The world of work has changed forever, including in government. As employees across the nation reconsider their job and career choices, the competition for talent has become intense. To be an employer of choice, government organizations must create a positive employee experience. In this general session, Lavigna will highlight current research from the UKG Workforce Institute and Great Place to Work Institute, including:
- The characteristics of the new world of work, e.g., demographic changes and the demand for workplace flexibility
- Today’s intense competition to attract and retain talent
- Ways to build an engaged workforce through a positive employee experience
- The golden rule of retention
- How and why organizations can – and must – use data to evaluate the health of the workforce
- Jessica Badour, Workforce & Communication Coordinator, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Bob Lavigna, Senior Fellow – Public Sector, Ultimate Kronos Group
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Open Sesame: Sesame as the Newest Allergen
During this session, learn more about sesame becoming the newest allergen, industry challenges for sesame as an allergen, and how these challenges can be addressed.
- Patrick Kennelly, Program Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Judi Lazaro, Senior Director of Global Sales, AIB International
- Sarah Sorscher, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Center for Science in the Public Interest
2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
A Different Kind of Animal: Food Safety Risks and the Path Forward to the Regulation of Cell-Cultured and Plant-Based Meat
Cell-cultured and plant-based meats challenge not just conventionally held ideas about what constitutes “meat,” but conventional ideas about food production and how alt protein foods ought to be regulated. What are the food safety risks of a plant-based burger factory? What should an inspection of a cell-cultured meat lab look like? And who should be responsible for regulating them? In this session, leaders from government and industry discuss food safety risks that regulators should be aware of and share novel approaches to how these redefining foods should be regulated.
- Charlie Kalish, Customer Success Manager, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Justin Kolbeck, Co-Founder & CEO, Wildtype Foods
- Aaron Pleitner, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Impossible Foods
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Data System Development and Implementation: An Experiential Learning Adventure
Learn about the implementation and development of new data systems and components of new systems from the experts. Then ask: What did you learn? How might you suggest others do it differently in the future? What just didn’t work?
- Steven Mandernach, Executive Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Lisa Creason, Chief Strategy and Growth Officer, Precise Software Solutions, Inc.
- Gena Reich, Policy and Performance Administrator, Washington State Department of Agriculture
- Emily Hollingsworth, Produce Safety Specialist, Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Attracting and Retaining Talent in the New World of Work – Breakout Session
In this follow-up breakout session, Lavigna will facilitate a deeper dive into the challenges – and solutions – to attracting and retaining talent. This interactive session will allow attendees to drill down and discuss how to create a positive employee experience that will enable their organizations to become employers of choice and therefore recruit, hire, develop, and retain the talent they need to deliver for their stakeholders.
- Jessica Badour, Workforce & Communication Coordinator, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Bob Lavigna, Senior Fellow – Public Sector, Ultimate Kronos Group
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Powdered Infant Formula: Where Are We Now and What Did We Learn?
The nationwide response to the 2021-22 Cronobacter sakazakii in powdered infant formula incident provided a host of lessons learned for regulators on all levels. As after-action reviews continue to be completed, come learn about how federal and state partners are enhancing their response capabilities based on their experience with this specific incident.
- Carrie Rigdon, Research Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Kim Livsey, Senior Emergency Response Coordinator, Office of Human and Animal Food Operations, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Kristin Garcia, Director, Food Safety and Nutrition Division, Supplemental Nutrition and Safety Programs, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Colby Brown, Rapid Response Team Coordinator, Georgia Department of Agriculture
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Novel Perspectives on Unique Outbreaks
Join us to learn how outbreak investigation tools help solve outbreaks. This session features five unique outbreak presentations, each highlighting a specific investigation tool: epidemiology, traceback, sampling, and environmental assessment.
- Carrie Rigdon, Research Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
PRESENTATION: E. coli Outbreak Linked to Frozen Falafel
- Lauren Edwards, Rapid Response Team Epidemiologist, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
PRESENTATION: Don’t Let Traceback Make You Melon-choly
- Merri Cross, Grant Coordinator, Iowa Department of Inspection and Appeals
PRESENTATION: State Sampling and Solving Outbreaks
- Tracy Hawkins, Epidemiologist, Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
PRESENTATION: FSIS Directive 10,000.1 Assessment Overview
- Bryce Merrill, Microbiologist, Office of Public Health Science, Foos Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
PRESENTATION: On-Farm Investigation of Salmonella typhimurium in Michigan Blueberries
- Amber Matulis, Produce Safety Unit Manager, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The Evolution of Food Safety Culture – a Journey Into the Past, Present, and Future
Food Safety has come a long way in the last 30 years. Join us in an exploration of how regulatory, industry, and academia have worked together tirelessly to ensure we have the safest food supply in the world. And learn how food safety culture plays a critical role in ensuring we continue to evolve, strengthen, and contribute to the sale and service of safe food in retail food establishments. We will focus on the New Era – Core Element 4.1: Promote Food Safety Culture Throughout the Food System. There will be some great opportunities to discuss various food safety culture topics with other members of the group, so don’t miss out on this informative and engaging session!
- Christopher J. Smith, Director, Retail Food Protection Branch 3, Office of State Cooperative Programs, U.S. Food & Drug Administration
- Benjamin Chapman, Ph.D., Department Head Professor, Food Safety Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences, North Carolina State University, NC State Extension
- Adam Kramer, ScD, MPH, RS, CDR, US Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health, Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice, Water, Food and Environmental Health Services Branch
- Jay L. E. Ellingson, Ph.D., Food Protection Administration – Chief Scientific Officer, Kwik Trip, Inc.
- Christine Sylvis, REHS, Environmental Health Supervisor, Regulatory Support Office, Southern Nevada Health District | Environmental Health | Food Compliance and Enforcement
- Chris Waldrop, MPH, Senior Health Scientist, Office of Analytics and Outreach, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- Mark “Mick” Miklos, CP-FS, Advisory Partner, Active Food Safety, LLC, Sr. Retail Food Safety Subject Matter Expert, AFDO
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Maltese Oyster
A hard-boiled investigator follows a trail that leads to gritty oysters, a mysterious box, and an elusive but priceless tag. Fine-tune your investigative skills and take your shellfish investigations to the next level in this interactive, fun session.
- Joseph Graham, Water Recreation and Food Safety Section Manager, Washington State Department of Health
- Sarah Good, Plant Program Manager, Virginia Department of Health, Division of Shellfish Safety
- Christina Bongo-Box, Senior Director of Global Quality Assurance, Church’s Texas Chicken
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Don’t Refuse to Reuse (Food Containers)
As the world around us continues to become more innovation focused and complex, we’ve started to recognize that some of our progress is having an impact on the environment. There’s always a need for balance in nature, and we have entered an era when we need to look at offsetting some of our advancements to ensure we’re balancing the need for ease and convenience with a need to nurture and care for our environment. One area people believe may have some positive impact is around reusable materials, which may lead to a reduction in waste and environmental contamination.
If you’ve wondered how to implement a reusable container program, this is the session for you! Join us to learn how others manage their reusable container programs from a regulatory and industry perspective. We’ll also hear from the CFP Reusables Committee that is working on a guidance document on this topic. And you will get to participate in a brainstorming session to discuss the benefits, challenges, and safety of reusable programs. Plan on enjoying an interactive experience placing you in the reusable program manager’s seat!
- Christopher Sortino, Chief, Bureau of Public Health Protection, Suffolk County Department of Health Services
- Traci Slowinski, US Restaurant Food Safety Manager, McDonald’s Corporation
- Lisa M. Potopsingh, Associate Public Health Sanitarian, Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Bureau of Public Health Protection (NY)
- Carrie Pohjola, MS, RS, Food Scientist, Advanced-Division of Food and Recreational Safety, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
- Chris Rupert, Food Policy & Innovation Manager, Compass Group
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Risk and Inspection Frequency
This session will cover the assignment of risk and the relevance to inspection frequency and scale of enforcement tools. Learn some ways to improve program processes through the use of risk assignment. Panelists will discuss farmers who want an inspection more than every five years and those who don’t – and where the money comes from to do these additional inspections.
- Erik Bungo, Produce Safety Program Supervisor, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- Emily Hollingsworth, Produce Safety Specialist, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Rene Nieto, Program Coordinator, Texas Department of Agriculture
- Danielle Runion, Arizona Produce Safety Rule Program Manager, Arizona Department of Agriculture
- Joe Reardon, Senior Director of Food Safety Programs, NASDA
2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Emergency Response: Are You Ready?
Collaboration happens with state Rapid Response Teams on produce outbreak investigations, emergency response, and violative samples. Discover the lessons learned and which program resources have worked best. Discuss the steps a state program should take to start developing an RRT if one does not exist.
- Vivien McCurdy, Director, Indiana Department of Health
- Summer Williams, RRT Manager and Recall Coordinator, Georgia Department of Agriculture
- Shay Frankenfield, Produce Safety Compliance Officer, South Carolina Department of Agriculture
- Kris Gasperic, RRT/Produce Safety Program Manager, Indiana Department of Health, Food, Protection Division
- Amber Matulis, Produce Safety Unit Manager, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Emergency Response – Are You Ready? (continued)
Emergency Response Continuation:
3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Unique Challenges Associated with Nontraditional Farming Methods
Learn about the unique challenges associated with indoor production, hydroponics and greenhouses, wild and farmed mushrooms, and microgreens.
- Michael Botelho, Produce Safety Director, Massachusetts Department of Agriculture Resources
- Erik Bungo, Produce Safety Program Supervisor, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- Kim Carlen, Program Manager, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
- Ryan Burnette, Director, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
- Cathy Rubin, Produce Coordinator Tennessee Department of Agriculture
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Body Art Committee Update
This presentation will discuss what the AFDO Body Art Committee has done and where we are going.
- Cathy Montie Wolenchuk, Body Art Safety Trainer, Cathy Montie Body Art Training Company
- Ken Coleman Stevenson, VP Regulatory, Ceutical Labs
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
FDA Update
This presentation will provide an overview of ongoing activities at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding tattoo inks and pigments, and the implications of The Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022 (MoCRA). Included in the MoCRA provisions are facility registration and product listing, mandatory recall authority, and mandatory reporting of serious adverse events — all of which have implications for the tattoo industry. This presentation will provide an overview of cosmetics regulations including the major provisions of MoCRA and examples of ongoing work that supports the mission of the FDA to protect public health. It will address the safety of tattoo inks and permanent makeup that have continued to increase in popularity over the past several decades, both in the United States and globally, focusing on ongoing research activities.
- John Misock, Senior Regulatory Consultant, Ceutical Labs, Inc.
- Linda M. Katz, M.D., M.P.H. Director, Office of Cosmetics and Colors, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
General Standards of Ink Manufacturing
This presentation will look at modern tattoo ink manufacturing and global availability.
- John Misock, Senior Regulatory Consultant, Ceutical Labs, Inc.
- Sean Brown, City Council Member, Public Safety and Health, Village of Volente
5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Tattoo Ink and Convergence with Nanotechnology
Advances in modern science and engineering have made it possible to create tiny functional devices as small as a tattoo pigment. This presentation will discuss emerging research on the use of nanotechnology and microtechnology in tattoo-related applications ranging from body art to biohacking to medicine, with a view toward how these technologies might impact body art, and even how we interact with our skin in the not-so-distant future.
- John Misock, Senior Regulatory Consultant, Ceutical Labs, Inc.
- Carson Bruns, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, ATLAS Institute, University of Colorado Boulder
1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
FDA Cannabis Update
After careful review, the FDA has concluded that a new regulatory pathway for CBD is needed because of the potential risk of CBD to human and animal health, and the incompatibility of CBD with food and dietary supplement regulations. The FDA is prepared to work with Congress to develop authorities for a new pathway that balances individuals’ desire for access to CBD products with the regulatory oversight to manage its risks.
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
- Patrick Cournoyer, Ph.D, Senior Science Advisor, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Balancing Intent and Impact: Prioritizing Stakeholder Groups in a Cannabis Federal Regulatory Framework
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cannabis legalization, crafting a comprehensive federal regulatory framework is critical to ensuring the industry’s responsible and sustainable growth while mitigating potential risks. However, achieving a harmonious balance between the intent of regulations and their actual impact on various stakeholder groups is a complex challenge. Join us in this thought-provoking session as we delve into the intricacies of prioritizing stakeholder groups within a Cannabis Federal Regulatory Framework and explore the critical role of effective regulation and its profound implications for the cannabis industry’s successful development.
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
- Steven Mandernach, Executive Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Brett Goldman, Partner, OCan Group
- Steve Bevan, Partner, OCan Group
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
AFDO Cannabis Committee Meeting
A forum for discussion of issues associated with cannabis products and the associated activities of state regulatory agencies that deal with these products.
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
- Tressa McGill, Association of Food and Drug Officials
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
From the Front Lines: A Physician’s Perspective on Cannabis and Patient Care
In the realm of healthcare, the use of cannabis as a therapeutic option has gained significant attention in recent years. As patients increasingly explore alternative treatments, it is essential to understand the perspective of physicians on the front lines of patient care. This session provides a unique opportunity to gain insights from a pain management physician with firsthand experience in integrating cannabis. Join us for a compelling and informative session as we delve into the benefits, challenges, and considerations surrounding the use of cannabis in medical treatments.
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
- Dr. Soorena Khojasteh, MD, System Chief, Pain Medicine, Main Line Health
4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Unveiling Hidden Risks: Prioritizing Worker Health and Safety in the Cannabis Industry
The rapidly growing cannabis industry has witnessed remarkable expansion over the past decade, with increased legalization and shifting societal attitudes. Amidst a flourishing new market, it becomes crucial to shed light on a paramount concern that is often overlooked: the health and safety of workers within the cannabis industry. This session will delve into the hidden risks to worker safety and well-being while exploring effective strategies and practical solutions that prioritize and enhance health and safety in cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, processing, distribution, and retail operations.
- Lezli Engelking, President & Founder, FOCUS – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards
- Niki Holm, Risk Control Advisor, IMA Corp
- Thuy Vu, Thuy Vu Consulting
6:30pm – 7:30pm
President’s Reception
Wiley Award Banquet
2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
GMP of Manufacturing Inks (Safe Manufacturing of Inks)
This presentation will discuss the new requirements that are coming with the passage of the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulation Act of 2022 and how this may impact manufacturers.
- Cathy Montie Wolenchuk, Body Art Safety Trainer, Cathy Montie Body Art Training Company
- John Misock, Senior Regulatory Consultant, Ceutical Labs, Inc.