AFDO Educational Conference presentations
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Glendale, Arizona
IFPTI Fellow Presentations
8:00AM – 12:00PM
IFPTI Fellow Presentations
Pathogen Contamination of Produce and Its Effect on Military Procurement
Mekisha Cunningham, U.S. Army Public Health Command
The Relationship Between Foodborne Illness Risk Factors and Socio-economic Factors in Food Facilities in Riverside County, CA
Sarah Crossman, Riverside County Department of Environmental Health
The Impact of Switching to Risk-Based Inspections at High-risk Establishments in Hennepin County, Minnesota
Zamzam Abdirahman, Hennepin County Public Health Department
Assessment of Emergency Responses by Scott County, Iowa Retail Food Establishments Following the August 2020 Derecho
Logan Hildebrant, Scott County Health Department
Tribal -State Relations within Minnesota’s Food and Agricultural Landscape
Natasha Hedin, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Comparison of Violations in Restaurants Inspected by State and Local Inspectors
Nicole Kragness, Eau Claire City-County Health Department
Food Safety Study: Shared Kitchens in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area
Jemal Yasin, District of Columbia Department of Health
Active Managerial Control: Using Data to Drive Intervention Strategies in a Retail Food Safety Program
Shawna Johnson, Boulder County Public Health
Active Managerial Control: Factors Influencing How Environmental Health Specialists Mark Supervision Compliance Status in Retail Food Service Establishments
Lauren Baker-Newton, Chatham County Health Department
Regulating Shallow Pan Cooling by State and Local Retail Food Programs
Nicklaus Koreen, Minneapolis Health Department
1:00PM – 2:00PM
FDA Office of Partnerships Updates for State and Local Programs
1:00PM – 2:00PM
Endowment Foundation Meeting
2:00PM – 3:00PM
Alumni Committee Meeting
2:00PM – 3:30PM
Live Podcast Recording of Food Safety Talk
- Donald Schaffner, PH.D., Professor and Food Science Extension Specialist, Rutgers University
- Benjamin Chapman, PhD, Department Head, Professor, North Carolina State University
3:30PM – 4:30PM ET
First Time Attendee Welcome
AFDO considers first time attendees to be VIPs at the Annual AFDO Conference. If this is your first AFDO meeting we invite you to attend the First Time Attendee Welcome Reception that is being held in your honor. During the session, you will have the opportunity to meet AFDO alumni, fellows and other first time attendees; learn about AFDO and its affiliate organizations; and find out about the exciting events that will take place during the 2022 conference.
4:30PM – 6:00PM
Opening Session
Opening Remarks
Steven Mandernach, Executive Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials
Welcome from WAFDO
Michael Oravetz, Environmental Health Specialist, Carson City Health and Human Services (INVITED)
IFPTI: Cohort X Graduation Ceremony
Gerald Wojtala, Executive Director, International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI)
Endowment Foundation Address
Cynthia Culmo, Principal Consultant, CC Consulting
AFDO Annual Report
President’s Address
Natalie Adan, Food Safety Division Director, Georgia Department of Agriculture
Glenn W. Kilpatrick Memorial Conversation
Roberta Wagner, VP of Regulatory and Technical Affairs, Consumer Brands Association Moderated by Joseph Corby, Senior Advisor, Association of Food and Drug Officials