AFDO Educational Conference presentations

Monday, June 13, 2022

Glendale, Arizona

General Sessions

8:00AM – 8:15PM

Announcements and Awards


Natalie Adan, AFDO President and Food Safety Division Director, Georgia Department of Agriculture

8:15AM – 9:45AM

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) Update

ORA’s senior leaders will share information about key programmatic initiatives, provide an update on significant operational changes, as well as participate in a panel discussion with attendees
Moderator: Barbara Cassens, Director, Office of Partnerships, U.S. Food and Drug Administration


  • Dr. Judith McMeekin, Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs (ACRA), Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Dan Solis, Assistant Commissioner for Import Operations, Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Michael Rogers, Assistant Commissioner for Human and Animal Food, Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Erik Mettler, Assistant Commissioner for Partnerships and Policy, Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Glenda Barfell, Assistant Commissioner for Regulatory Management Operations, Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Paul Norris, Director, Office of Regulatory Science, Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), U.S. Food and Drug Administration

10:15AM – 12:00PM

All businesses and agencies have one: Food Safety Culture

Through the use of real life case studies and table discussions attendees will be introduced to the foundational concepts of what a food safety culture is. This highly interactive session will walk participants through indicators that external visitors to a firm (regulator or otherwise) might see that can provide insight into food safety culture.


  • Benjamin Chapman, PhD, Department Head, Professor, NorthCarolina State University

Food Sessions

1:30PM – 3:00PM

Session 1: Supply Chain – Industry Issues

Moderator: Dr. John Martin, Infrastructure Analyst, U.S. Department of Homeland Security


  • Clay Detlefsen, Esq,, Senior Vice President, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs & Staff Counsel, National Milk Producers
  • Federation
  • Thomas (T.L.) Farmer, Assistant Vice President – Security, Association of American Railroads (AAR)
  • Jon Samson, American Truckers Association

1:30PM – 3:00PM

Session 2: Cow Hair, Coliform, and Common Contacts: An Overview of Unique Outbreaks in 2021-2022

What does cow hair, yogurt, and a restaurant chain have in common? This year’s AFDO Outbreak Panel! Join AFDO and the states of Utah, Virginia, and Washington to hear about investigations related to thallium toxicity associated with custom meat, E. coli O157:H7 illnesses associated with yogurt, and Hepatitis A infections linked to multiple locations of a Virginia local restaurant chain. Come gather lessons learned on how partner states investigated these unique outbreaks and bring back some best practices to your team!

Moderator: Randy Treadwell, Project Manager, Association of Food and Drug Officials


  • Talisha Bacon, Rapid Response Team Coordinator, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
  • Joe Graham, Food Safety Program Manager, Washington Department of Agriculture
  • Nicole Marshall, Foodborne and Enteric Disease Epidemiologist Washington Department of Health
  • Thayne Mickelson, RRT Program Director, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
  • David Smith, Food Safety Program Manager,Washington Department of Agriculture
  • Paula Bittinger, Environmental Health Technical Specialist, CP-FS, Roanoke City/Alleghany Health Districts (Virtual)
  • Cindy McDow, Environmental Health Manager Sr., Roanoke City/ Alleghany Health Districts (Virtual)
  • Jacqueline Hope White, District Epidemiologist, Roanoke City/Alleghany Health Districts (Virtual)

Retail Sessions

1:30PM – 3:00PM

The Journey to Compliance: A Deep Dive into Program Standards 4 and 6

Join us as we explore the relationship between Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards 4 and 6. This interactive session will provide insight from both regulators and industry regarding the importance of a uniform inspection program and the establishment of an effective compliance and enforcement program. Participants will leave this session with ideas and tools to strengthen their own programs and increase industry compliance with regulatory requirements.


  • Shawna Johnson, MPH, Environmental Health Specialist- Food Safety Lead, Boulder County Public Health, Boulder Colorado
  • Tamara Giannini, REHS, Environmental Health Supervisor, Southern Nevada Health District, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Autumn Schuck, Inspection Manager, Food Safety and Lodging Program, Kansas Department of Agriculture
  • Jeffrey Heidrick, Owner/Operator, McDonald’s, Georgia
  • Nicholas Adams, Senior Program Analyst, Environmental Health, National Association of County & City Health Officials, Washington DC
  • Andre C Pierce, MPA, REHS, Director, Retail Food Protection Division, Office of State Cooperative Programs, U.S. Food & Drug Administration

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Retail and Food Sessions

3:30PM – 5:30PM

Innovation & Technology within our Global Food Supply from Dream to Reality

In this session, we will explore Innovation and Technology as it pops up throughout our Global Food Supply. This session focuses on our future as industry and regulatory communities explore robots and tools that evaluate food by analyzing cells. How exciting is this new world? As Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it!” Come to this session where the imaginable becomes reality.

Certified Quality Foods CQ Foods: 

Instantaneous objective food quality measurements with the touch of one button.

Please see the video on our new CQR and approach to the food industry.

This technology is currently being implemented in the operations of several major national grocery chains and some of the largest restaurant chains in the U.S., CQ Foods products and programs help retailers, distributors, and other parts of the chain of custody demonstrate and verify quality, make better inventory management and logistical decisions, and identify supply chain and operational value improvement opportunities.


  • Chuck Anderson, VP Operations, Certified Quality Foods
  • Dana Bartholomew, Executive Vice President Business Development, Certified Quality Foods

MicroMarkets and Unattended Food Establishments

Experience in real-life, the industry leader in Canteen MicroMarkets.  Leaders from Canteen will guide the participants through an in-person MicroMarket and talk about food safety risks and interventions.  


  • Scott Devine, Director, Compass Group – Canteen
  • Christine Summers, Sr. Director of Food Safety, Canteen
  • Nick Taylor, Field Support – Innovation, Canteen

Retail Analytics–Big Data Leads to Big Results

AFDO has developed a data resource with retail inspection data from 9 states and one large retail jurisdiction and continues to work on more.  This data set has helped eliminate some key questions such as inspection time, frequency, and frequency of violations and not-observed.  In addition, AFDO has matched the 400 largest retailers (restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores) across the states for brand-based trending.


  • Drew Polulak, IT Executive, Precise Software Solutions, Inc.

Using Technology to Enhance Training

See how technology is being used to enhance interactivity in the virtual training environment.  We will explore the world of Extended Reality and Virtual Environments used for training: 360 degree interactive videos, 3D device renderings, animations, and other enhancements.


  • Craig Kaml, IFPTI
  • Kirk Sundlingm IFPTI
  • Lauri Yarger, IFPTI

PATHSPOT™ Hand Sanitation Monitoring Technology

What is this science? PATHSPOT™ scans hands to detect contaminants after handwashing is an intuitive and intelligent way to improve hygiene using data tracking demonstrates commitment to safety.

Did you know?

  • PATHSPUsing Technology to Enhance Training
  • See how technology is being used to enhance interactivity in the virtual training environment.  We will explore the world of Extended Reality and Virtual Environments used for training: 360 degree interactive videos, 3D device renderings, animations, and other enhancements.
  • OT™ triples handwashing frequency in just 60 days.
  • 75% reduction in instances of invisible contaminants that cause common illnesses in just 60 days with a 97% reduction in instances after six months of use.

How does it work? Employees must scan their freshly washed hands under the device, which is mounted near a hand washing station. It uses light and an algorithm to detect dirty hands in seconds. It gives you the green light if you’re in the clear or a red X if you’re not.



  • Christine Schindler, Co-Founder/CEO, PathSpot

Testo-Digital record keeping technology

Explore the latest in monitoring innovation and record keeping technology an enables you to be sure your food is safe with measuring technology including data loggers, thermometers, cooking oil testers, pH measuring instruments throughout the flow of food from farm to fork. Testo offers a wide range of data loggers for long-term recording of measurement data, for temperature monitoring.

What is the Saveris system?

The Testo Saveris system offers tamper-proof data recording and WLAN technology that provides access to your measurement data anywhere and at any time on PC, smartphone, or tablet.



  • Eric Moore, Director of Food Safety and Industry Relations, Testo North America – Lobster Ink

Content and technology working together as one system, built to inspire your frontline. Our unique approach increases team member engagement and capability and is proven to deliver operational impact.  Customize content to meet your motivational and learning objectives or select courses from Food Safety Fundamentals – a modular training program designed to effect lasting behavioral change.  Frequent reinforcement via short bursts of engaging content delivered through any system on any device.  Assess on the job to validate knowledge transfer and application.  Personalization by job-role and in language of choice proven to improve retention.


  • Laura Fell, AVP Corporate Accounts, Lobster Ink, Ecolab

Produce Sessions

1:30PM – 2:15PM

Unique questions and things you see at hydroponic, aeroponic and aquaponic inspections

Moderator: Erik Bungo, Program Supervisor, Produce Safety, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services


  • Ryan Burnette, Director – Plant Division, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
  • Bobby Donato, Produce Safety Regulatory Supervisor, South Carolina Department of Agriculture
  • Don Stoeckel, Environmental Microbiologist, California Department of Food and Agriculture

2:15PM – 3:00PM


Moderator: Bob Ehart, Senior Policy & Science Advisor, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture


  • Ryan Burnette, Director – Plant Division, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
  • Matt Fout, Produce Safety Manager, Ohio Department of Agriculture
  • Heidi Hagman, Food and Feed Safety, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
  • Vivien McCurdy, Director, Food Protection Division , Indiana Department of Health

3:30PM – 5:30PM

Solutions for tracking and verifying PSR exemptions and why this will continue to impact farm inventory

Moderator: Abbey Willard, Division Director, Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets


  • Ben Marshall, Produce Safety Inspector, Missouri Department of Agriculture
  • Rene Nieto, Produce Safety Outreach Specialist, Texas Department of Agriculture
  • Steve Schirmer, Produce Safety Program Field Administrator, New York Department of Ag and Markets

Body Art Sessions

1:30PM – 2:15PM

Modernization of Tattoo and Permanent Make Up Inks

In this presentation we will be covering the modern history of tattoo ink and PMU ink manufacturing. Tattoo and permanent makeup ink manufacturing is a rarely discussed topic around body art, and has a lot of nuances with a relatively new history. Tattoo culture has traditionally been taught by folklore tales, and verbal history. There are hundreds of variations of tattoo inks that have been traced back to ancient recipes for ink that are now used for PMU and tattooing. Tattoo and PMU services have been performed for centuries, however the modernization of the production of these products has attracted attention of various regulatory agencies the world over. Through cooperative partnerships with NEHA and AFDO more education for inspectors and body artists is available. This lecture is a general explanation of the history of tattooing and permanent inks. We will be covering; what is a pigment, what is an ink, what is the origin of tattoo and pmu inks, how has sanitation improved, how has tattoo ink been made in the past, how ink is made today, and how modern manufacturers keep customers safe. General complications will be discussed briefly as they pertain to low quality tattoo and permanent make up inks but will be very high level. counterfeit inks, non-approved substances for tattoo inks, and homemade tattoo inks. There will be general information
for inspectors to understand the variations of permanent makeup and tattoo inks, purpose of tattoo inks, key hallmarks of quality inks and methodology of use behind tattoo and pmu ink production as it relates to the safety of this product. We will be discussing testing, sanitation standards and quality controls as they are defined by the manufacturer of the person delivering the presentation.


  • Selina Medina, Education and Compliance Manager for World Famous Tattoo ink

2:15PM – 3:00PM

Tattoo Workstation: Actively Set Up for

Cathy will physically demonstrate her personal tattooing workstation setup method based on Universal Precautions and
using Aseptic Techniques. There will be informational handouts, documents from an active body art facility for audience inspection, and an opportunity for audience inspection, and an opportunity for the audience to tattoo on an artificial surface.


3:30PM – 4:15PM

Skin Conditions and How They Affect Cosmetic Tattooing

Many cosmetic tattooists are not medically trained but are often required to make judgements as to the suitability of tattooing on skin that may be compromised. This presentation will explore conditions and suitable solutions for cosmetic tattooing.


  • MaryAnne Baker, CPCP, SPCP Lifetime Trainer Member Owner/Artist Simply Body Art

4:15PM – 5:00PM

Investigations into the Composition of Commercial Tattoo Inks

Though the scientific literature demonstrates that composition of tattoo inks in the bottle does not necessarily match what’s on the label, the composition of tattoo inks in the United States has not been explored. Using a variety of analytical techniques, this talk will discuss our investigations into the composition of commercial tattoo inks.


  • John Swierk, Assistant Professor, Binghamton University

5:00PM – 5:30PM

Global Tattoo Regulations

In this presentation Russell will be covering the key regulatory frameworks of regulations of tattoo and permanent makeup inks.
Additional to the discussion of global regulations overview, Russell will cover ongoing opportunities taking place for harmonization of tattoo and permanent makeup inks. The regulations that impact public health are often misinterpreted and this can complicate the lives of body artists, and even make it impossible for artists to work. Russell provides a more coherent representation of the required labeling, claims substantiation and the barriers of the international marketplace for tattoo and permanent makeup ink products. Through cooperative partnerships with AFDO and other international institutions Russell provides a unique insight to the regulatory landscape in an effort to make more education opportunities around tattooing and permanent makeup inks for inspectors and public health offices.


  • Russel Kemmerle, Legal Counsel, Body Art Alliance