Food Defense Committee

About the committee
To educate, share, and make recommendations on food defense issues and non-foodborne incidents impacting the food and agriculture sector.
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Committee Charges
Charge 1
Monitor Food & Agriculture Sector activities at DHS and of the Government Coordinating Council/Sector Coordinating Council (GCC/SCC) and report any items impacting AFDO members to the Board as encountered. Provide an update of the GCC/SCC meeting to the AFDO office to be published in the AFDO eNews letter.
Charge 2
Develop a webinar for Food Defense issues
Charge 3
Connect and collaborate with the Coalition of Food Protection Task Forces to share food protection and defense resources.
Charge 4
Review and collaborate on food defense materials (within the FDA Food Code and FSMA Intentional Adulteration Rule) with a multidisciplinary working group of subject matter experts (federal, state, local, industry, academia) to develop resources.
Charge 5
Review FDA Food Code Food Defense documents and other related materials with a multidisciplinary working group of retail subject matter experts.
Charge 6
Develop the concept to build the Planning P Training tool.