Body Art Committee

About the committee
The AFDO Body Art Committee will identify current issues in body art material manufacturing, labeling and use. Through a process of collaboration, discussion, and sharing, the Body Art Committee will create documents that are useful to regulated industries, regulatory agencies, and academic institutions worldwide.
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Committee Charges
Charge 1
Develop agenda for the Body Art Committee track at the AFDO Annual Educational Conference.
Charge 2
Review and update information to the AFDO website related to body art safety, regulations, and other issues of importance to the body art community.
Charge 3
Complete Color Additive Petition to be used in Intradermal Tattooing.
Charge 4
Support the BAEA in creation and compilation of existing training materials for the body art industry and creation of other documents as needed encompassing federal, state, and local regulations.
Charge 5
Get final comments from committee on the Tattoo Ink and PMU Sterilization Standard of Best Practices, then send to AFDO Board for approval.
Charge 6
Get final comments from committee on the Develop basic guidance for consumers considering a Body Art procedure, then send to AFDO Board for approval.
Charge 7
Create a Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) document for Ink Manufactures.