Laboratory, Science, and Technology Committee

About the committee

The Laboratory, Science, and Technology Committee provides the resources to AFDO of laboratory and research scientists and has the following mandates: Determine needs of laboratories supporting regulatory function and recommend the means of meeting those needs. Provide information to regulatory and enforcement personnel to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the changing and frequently complex scientific nature involved in regulatory work. Promote communications, coordination, and the mutual assistance of federal, state, and local government laboratories and industrial laboratories. Provide consulting and special project services to AFDO and regulatory agencies.

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Committee Charges

Charge 1

Serve as AFDO liaison and collaborate with APHL Human and Animal Food Testing Committee in relevant activities of mutual interest.

Charge 2

Provide a committee structure environment and encourage involvement from laboratory managers to assist in technical guidance solutions, in sharing best practices.

Charge 3

Create an advertisement to share with AFDO Affiliates to promote the Laboratory, Science and Technology Committee ability to support affiliates in the development of relevant topics and identification of speakers for their conferences.

Charge 4

Work with state and federal partners to implement the “Strategic Plan for State Human and Animal Food Laboratory Partnerships.”

Charge 5

Maintain Laboratory portion of AFDO A-Z index (

Charge 6

Create a paper or webinar on the topic of how to effectively collaborate with state/local regulatory programs on sample programs and planning as part of the Lab Flexible Funding Model Standards.