Laws and Regulations Committee Update – August 26 – 27, 2020

August 26, 2020

Federal Register

Food and Nutrition Service


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

  • –          FNS Information Collection Needs Due to COVID-19

Filed on: 08/26/2020 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 08/27/2020

FR Document: 2020-18860 PDF 10 Pages (100 KB)  Permalink

  • –          Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Emergency Allotments (COVID-19)

Filed on: 08/26/2020 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 08/27/2020

FR Document: 2020-18859 PDF 5 Pages (123 KB) Permalink


COVID-19 Update for Food Operations Stakeholders Webinar

Is Your Hand Sanitizer on FDA’s List of Products You Should Not Use?

Resources for Food Producers in Areas Affected by Storms Laura and Marco


DateBrand Name(s)DescriptionProduct TypeRecall ReasonCompany
08/25/2020HostessRaspberry ZingersFood & Beverages,Potential to contain moldHostess Brands LLC
08/25/2020V-Klean, Medical Minded, ProtzHand SanitizerDrugs,Potential presence of methanol (wood alcohol) and subpotent ethanol levelsAsiaticon SA de CV
08/25/2020Crazy Fresh and Quick & Easy an Unbranded and Bountiful Fresh gift basketsPeach Salsa and Gift BasketsFood & Beverages,Potential for Salmonella contaminationRuss Davis Wholesale

Warning Letters

Posted DateIssue DateCompanyIssuing OfficeSubject
08/25/202006/16/2020Martinez Mexican Produce LLCDivision of Southwest ImportsForeign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)
08/25/202007/29/2020Fides Ny Inc Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)
08/25/202007/30/2020Chicago Indoor Garden, Inc.Division of Human and Animal Food Operations East VIFood/Prepared Packed or Held Under Insanitary Conditions/Adulterated
08/25/202007/31/2020Gourmet & MoreDivision of West Coast ImportsForeign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)
08/25/202008/04/2020Grand Strand Sandwich Company, Inc.Division of Human and Animal Food Operations East IIICGMP/Food/Prepared, Packed or Held Under Insanitary Conditions/Adulterated/L. monocytogenes
08/25/202008/06/2020Custom Nutraceuticals, LLCDivision of Human and Animal Food Operations East ICGMP/Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements/Adulterated
08/25/202008/06/2020La Sonorense, Inc.Division of Human and Animal Food Operations West IVFood/Prepared Packed or Held Under Insanitary Conditions/Adulterated
08/25/202008/06/2020Grupo Rm Usa, Inc.Division of Southeast ImportsForeign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)


USDA Proposes Changes to Reporting Requirements for Walnuts Grown in California

USDA Assists Farmers, Ranchers, and Communities Affected by Recent Wildfires

USDA Announces First-Ever Recipients of Urban Agriculture Grants and Cooperative Agreements

Trump Administration Announces Additional $1 billion for the Farmers to Families Food Box Program



  • ·       Farmers affected by #Laura and #Marco in the SE & Gulf Coast: @US_FDA  has several resources to help growers when evaluating the safety of flood-affected food crops for animal human consumption including contact info:
  • ·       #FoodSafety begins with the shopping of and storing of food. Practice the do’s and don’ts to ensure food stays safe until it is cooked.

August 27, 2020

Federal Register

Agriculture Department


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals

  • –          Filed on: 08/27/2020 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 08/28/2020

FR Document: 2020-18922 PDF 4 Pages (78.6 KB) Permalink

  • o   AMS collections related to Regulations Governing for Voluntary Grading of Shell Eggs, Poultry Product, and Rabbit Product-7 CFR Part 54, 56, 62 and 70 and USDA Farmers Market Application
  • –          Filed on: 08/27/2020 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 08/28/2020

FR Document:2020-18942 PDF 5 Pages (85 KB) Permalink

  • o   AMS Generic Information Collection and Clearance of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Environmental Protection Agency


Pesticide Product Registration:

Applications for New Active Ingredients (July 2020)

Filed on: 08/27/2020 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 08/28/2020

FR Document: 2020-18954 PDF 5 Pages (101 KB) Permalink


August 27, 2020 – COVID-19 Update: FDA Warns Consumers About Hand Sanitizer Packaged in Food and Drink Containers

FDA Promotes Nutrition Facts Label Educational Materials for Teachers, Parents and Youth


DateBrand Name(s)Product DescriptionProduct TypeRecall Reason DescriptionCompany Name
08/26/2020Zanilast+Hand sanitizerDrugs,Product contains 1-propanol.Nanomateriales, SA de CV
08/26/2020Schaws SauceSweet and Sassy Barbecue and Basting Sauce & Sweet with Heat Barbecue and Basting SauceFood & Beverages,Undeclared soy and anchoviesSchaws Sauce
08/26/2020RonzoniSmart Taste Extra Wide NoodleFood & Beverages,Undeclared egg.RIVIANA FOODS INC.
08/26/2020Back to NatureOrganic Rosemary & Olive Oil Stoneground Wheat CrackersFood & Beverages,Undeclared milkB&G Foods


EPA and USDA Announce Competition to Advance Agricultural Sustainability in the United States


Infinity Superfoods Voluntarily Discontinues Social Media and Blog Post for Infinity-C Following NAD Inquiry into Implied COVID-19 Messages


  • ·       Food safety & supply chain continuity requires collaboration, at all times, but especially in the midst of a pandemic. Grateful for all in the public & private sector working hard to ensure Americans have access to safe & available food. #serve #protect
  • ·       [RT @JohnGKeogh1]: From someone who know about mango traceability and food safety/food safety culture. Supply chain 4.0 is coming fast and the pandemic seems to be accelerating digitalization.



  • ·       Beware of alcohol-based hand sanitizers packaged in containers that may appear as food or drinks. These products may put you and your family at risk of serious injury, or death, if ingested.
  • ·       FDA has found that some hand sanitizers are being packaged in beer cans, children’s food pouches, water bottles, juice bottles & vodka bottles. Some even contain food flavors, such as chocolate or raspberry. Hand sanitizer can be toxic when ingested.
  • ·       A consumer reported buying a bottle they thought to be drinking water but was in fact hand sanitizer. Another reported a hand sanitizer product marketed with cartoons for children in a pouch that resembles a snack.
