Laws and Regulations Committee Update 4/12/19

Federal Register

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.: Preliminary Pest Risk Assessment for Permit for Release of Genetically Engineered Citrus Tristeza Virus

Filed on: 04/12/2019 at 8:45 am

Scheduled Pub. Date: 04/15/2019 FR Document: 2019-07439

Food and Nutrition Service


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Student Eligibility, Convicted Felons, Lottery and Gambling, and State Verification Provisions of the Agricultural Act

Filed on: 04/12/2019 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 04/15/2019

FR Document: 2019-07194  PDF  55 Pages (301 KB)  Permalink

Environmental Protection Agency


Pesticide Product Registration; Applications: New Active Ingredients

Filed on: 04/12/2019 at 8:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 04/15/2019

FR Document:2019-07417  PDF 4 Pages (319 KB) Permalink



DateBrandProduct DescriptionReason / Problem
04/09/2019Platinum 40000Aphrodisiac capsulesContains Sildenafil and Tadalafil

GRAS Notices

GRN No.SubstanceDate of closureFDA’s Letter
827Preparation containing three bacterial phages specific to several Escherichia coli serotypesPending
825Beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactisPending
823Rebaudioside EPending
821Glucosylated steviol glycosidesPending
820Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716Pending


FDA Posts Adverse Event Report Data for Animal Drugs and Devices Used in Animals to Increase Transparency


USDA Issues Default Decision to Raymond Frank Christie Doing Business as Christie Livestock and Assesses $13,600 Civil Penalty

AMS Reaches a Settlement with L2 Cattle Corporation Inc. and Ronnie Lewis


Now Available: ODS 2018 Annual Report



  • One can choose from many careers, but how many of those present an opportunity to impact people’s lives for the better? For me, it doesn’t get any better than that! I am John Marcello and #IAmORA. LEARN MORE:  #FDAORA


  • THREAD: Americans expect their food to be safe, whether it’s domestic or imported. #FDA screens every single line of food imported into the U.S.  I’m at the Laredo import post observing firsthand how it’s done with Maria Elena Perez.
  • #FDA recently rolled out a new strategy for a multi-layered, data-driven, smarter approach to imported food safety. We’re optimizing FSMA implementation activities, longstanding tools & authorities to meet our food safety mission. Learn more



  •  If you have questions about your pet’s health, you may be able to find the answer here:
  • Catnip Cocktail is not approved for use in cats or dogs and FDA is aware of reports of erratic behavior in people who have used it. Don’t give this product to your pet and don’t take it yourself.